I wanted to share with you a website I recently completed called Found In You that sells custom, refinished furniture.
I enjoyed working with Bethany Miller the owner of the company to help bring her vision to reality.
In addition to the blog, the site also features custom instagram tag integration, an E-commerce store and more.
If you are interested in discussing how I can help you with your business, please contact me and we can discuss your needs.
If You Build It, Will They Come?
We all like to think that if we build or create something great lots of people will show up. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Particularly with your website.
In order for your website to start receiving traffic and for you to receive customers you must setup your website correctly. On-Page SEO is a great place to start. The search engines must be the first people to be able to find your website and start to index it so that it can be shown to other people on the web.
If you need help setting your website so that search engines can find it and your customers will find you, let us know. We can help.